
Troubleshoot: No Match Found for Snapcode


If you are attempting to access your form and receive an error message that says “No match found for Snapcode”, this means that PowerSchool Enrollment could not locate the Snapcode in your school district’s database.


Error Message

No match found for Snapcode



Either the Snapcode you were given was not the correct Snapcode, or the link you were given was not for the correct form.



In this case, we would recommend contacting your school district to verify that you have both the correct Snapcode and the correct link. However, there are a few steps you can take to access the form before contacting your school.


Resolution Steps

  1. Double-check that the link you were provided is for the school year you’re attempting to register for.
  2. Make sure that you have entered your Snapcode correctly. There are no spaces, punctuation, or vowels in snapcodes. Ensure you are only entering those 15 digits provided.


Still Not Working?

If these steps do not help you access the form, contact your school district’s Enrollment section for further assistance.



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If you are attempting to access your form and receive an error message that says “No match found for Snapcode”, this means that PowerSchool Enrollment could not locate the Snapcode in your school district’s database.


Error Message

No match found for Snapcode



Either the Snapcode you were given was not the correct Snapcode, or the link you were given was not for the correct form.



In this case, we would recommend contacting your school district to verify that you have both the correct Snapcode and the correct link. However, there are a few steps you can take to access the form before contacting your school.


Resolution Steps

  1. Double-check that the link you were provided is for the school year you’re attempting to register for.
  2. Make sure that you have entered your Snapcode correctly. There are no spaces, punctuation, or vowels in snapcodes. Ensure you are only entering those 15 digits provided.


Still Not Working?

If these steps do not help you access the form, contact your school district’s Enrollment section for further assistance.



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If you are attempting to access your form and receive an error message that says “No match found for Snapcode”, this means that PowerSchool Enrollment could not locate the Snapcode in your school district’s database.


Error Message

No match found for Snapcode



Either the Snapcode you were given was not the correct Snapcode, or the link you were given was not for the correct form.



In this case, we would recommend contacting your school district to verify that you have both the correct Snapcode and the correct link. However, there are a few steps you can take to access the form before contacting your school.


Resolution Steps

  1. Double-check that the link you were provided is for the school year you’re attempting to register for.
  2. Make sure that you have entered your Snapcode correctly. There are no spaces, punctuation, or vowels in snapcodes. Ensure you are only entering those 15 digits provided.


Still Not Working?

If these steps do not help you access the form, contact your school district’s Enrollment section for further assistance.



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  • For other questions, not directly related to this article, please post a question in the product-specific forum
Last reviewed:i
  12-29-2023 12:30 PM
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Last update:
‎12-06-2024 07:27 AM
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