PowerScheduler - Team Assignments


PowerScheduler - Team Assignments

Does the PowerScheduler load process restrict section assignments by team? If we first assign students to a team, then schedule a mass enroll, will PowerScheduler know to enroll student's in the correct team & teacher section for a specific course?

9 Replies
Community Knowledge Manager
Community Knowledge Manager

Hi @cmucciSB

If your school uses teams, you should have created them using the section Schedule Parameters. Students can be assigned to teams manually(static) or dynamically during the load process. If you are using static teams, you must assign each student to a particular team, either individually or in groups. 

You can also refer to the article: Assign a Student to a Team for more information. 

Saffiya Tasneem
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If you are using PS Teams, will that prevent students from being loaded into sections taught by a teacher of a different team? 

PowerSchool Mentor
PowerSchool Mentor

@RichW  - Correct. If a student is associated with a team (A) and a section is associated with another team (B), the system will not place that student (A) into a section not associated with their team (A). 



Heather Weist, MEd
PowerSchool - SIS Administrator, Commonwealth Charter Academy

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If there was a conflict between the assigned Teacher's team and the assigned section's team, which would be scheduled in the load process?  If Teacher A was on team '7Blue' and was assigned teach a  section marked as '7Red', which designation would be honored?  


When attempting the use of Dynamic Teaming, is there a need to assign each section to a team or is assigning the teacher to a team enough?  When is it appropriate to assign sections to a team? 

Community Support Expert
Community Support Expert

Hi @RichW 


If the section is already built, it's the section which would be scheduled. The teacher team is for when the sections are being created. When you want that section to be on a team, teacher on a team means when you run a build, their sections are on that team. If you are just scheduling, it's the section team that matters.

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Can we have some teachers at our school who are not assigned to a team? For example, our core teachers have teams they are on, and students are assigned to those teams, as well. However, our elective teachers are not assigned to a specific team--they have the potential to teach all students in the school. If we create elective sections without having a specific team assigned to them, would this mess up our loading of students?


We are actually having this same problem this year.  We have never had this problem.  Our core classes are teamed but electives are not. (Neither is lunch).  None of our kids got their electives--any help??


Make sure the course preferences for the electives are properly set, particularly the schedule this course setting. Make sure you have sections created for the electives and that the sections are set up correctly. Check the load results for errors related to the electives. Make sure you import your load.