

WTH? I registered one twin and CANNOT get the second to go through. Printed out NINE pages of her registration and am comparing my answers to the submissions on his. Pretty much the same stuff except for a bit of medical info for him. I get the red 'Please complete all fields or you can't submit blah blah' on EVERY PAGE OF THE SUBMISSION. Apparently the entire Emergency Contact system doesn't work (Even our school mentioned this) and the Priority page article that is referred to doesn't even apply; it shows TWO areas of contacts to number under Contact Priority: Parents and Emergency Contacts. My page doesn't even look like that. Mine has one list:  Emergency Contact Priority. One group of five people. More importantly, I did it on my daughter's, her two parents and 3 'other' relatives are all listed, in order 2,1,3,4,5.  It TOOK hers. Son's is the same, so how can that be the reason? Can someone do something about this?  This is RIDICULOUS. I have spent literally hours on this. Whoever set up this software should lose the contract. Parents don't have the time to wade through crappy programs like this. 

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